The Hydro Action NPDES approved system is the most complete NSF standard 40 Class 1 treatment system available today. It is approved by Ohio department of health and the Ohio EPA for NPDES discharging systems. There are two system models; a gravity and pump unit, choosing one of these will be dependent on the elevation of the discharge point and if you have a telephone line (required for gravity model). Each system will include a pre-treatment tank, an aerobic treatment tank with UV disinfection and optional pump tank, all in one unit. Every factory assembled unit is thoroughly tested for quick onsite installation and accurate operation. The unit arrives to the job site completely assembled which allows for quick, easy and reliable installation with minimal yard damage.

CAP-500/75+4 NPDES Concrete Pump Discharge Unit

CAP-500/75+4 NPDES Concrete Pump Discharge Unit




The Hydro-Action system can be used to compliment many on-site systems including: Spray and drip irrigation systems, low pressure dosing, mounds, flood dosing, and one & two foot soil depth credit systems. Hydro-Action tanks can be selected in accordance to household size and local county regulations. The fiberglass systems can be custom built to the size in need for your individual application in accordance to your onsite septic system drawing. We offer a wide variety of aeration treatment plant sizes with your choice of pre-treatment and pump tank sizes. In addition we offer control panels that perform multiple functions such as pump events, time dosing, and fail safe. The effluent pump can also be sized according to your site; all we need are the pump calculations and we will provide the right size pump for your application. No need to worry about multiple wires or mounting controls, this is done with just one electrical power wire all within a weatherproof housing.

Low Operating Cost
The linear air pump on Hydro-Action system is very quiet and efficient. Located inside the control center housing, it runs at a very low noise level and uses less than $10 of electricity per month to operate.
Clean and Odorless Discharge
This system produces a clear and odorless effluent that meets NPDES discharge requirements, making it safe for your family and the environment.